Quels sont les bienfaits du yoga chez les enfants ? Et pourquoi en apprendre davantage ?
Clara AfonsoJun 26, 20230 comments
What are the benefits of yoga for children? And why learn more?
Yoga isn't just for adults. It also has many benefits for children, both physically and mentally. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of yoga for children, debunk common misconceptions,...
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Bâtis une Base Solide pour une Pratique Équilibrée et Ressourçante
Kelly ToméJun 14, 20230 comments
Build a Solid Foundation for a Balanced and Rejuvenating Practice
Pilates is much more than just a physical workout . It is a complete method that aims to strengthen the body, improve posture, promote flexibility and develop deep self-awareness. To...
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Définir un objectif
Kelly ToméMay 25, 20230 comments
Set a goal
Whatever our way of thinking about life, we all set goals: stay on the couch, eat at a fast food restaurant every Saturday night, or get back in shape for...
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Les croyances et les valeurs
Kelly ToméMay 12, 20230 comments
Beliefs and values
🔸 Beliefs: We often hear about it. What are beliefs? How can they be limiting? In fact, beliefs are personal statements that we believe to be true. They concern the...
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Comment planifier ses suivis en Préparation Mentale ?
Kelly ToméMay 5, 20230 comments
How to plan your Mental Preparation follow-ups?
We are always looking for something comforting, something to lean on. Wouldn't the basis already be for the mental trainer to work on his own weaknesses, his self-confidence, his abilities...
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Les 9 principes d'entrainement qui s'appliquent à tous les sportifs
Kelly ToméMar 24, 20230 comments
The 9 training principles that apply to all athletes
Here is the most relevant information that we put at your disposal and that you should keep in mind before lifting the first dumbbell. These instructions will allow you to...
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