Développement de la souplesse
Cassie eychenne-mercierAug 17, 20220 comments
Development of flexibility
Listen to the podcast 🎧 Flexibility can develop at any age with a sensitive period between 7 and 11 years old. Static flexibility exercises should be avoided after warming up...
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Approche globale moderne de la préparation physique
Cassie eychenne-mercierAug 8, 20220 comments
Modern global approach to physical preparation
Listen to the podcast 🎧 The first approach with your clients Before starting a training session, it is necessary to understand the individual needs and abilities of your athlete /...
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L'explosivité musculaire et la vitesse
Cassie eychenne-mercierAug 8, 20220 comments
Muscular explosiveness and speed
Listen to the podcast 🎧 Speed ​​is defined as the distance traveled per unit of time, while multidimensional speed can be defined as a series of complex movements in the...
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Le développement de l'endurance
Cassie eychenne-mercierAug 8, 20220 comments
The development of endurance
Listen to the podcast 🎧 The longer a man runs, the less quickly he will run. It's logical but good to remember. Endurance has an important meaning for athletes: It...
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La gestion du match par le préparateur physique
Cassie eychenne-mercierAug 8, 20220 comments
Match management by the physical trainer
Listen to the podcast 🎧 What can we expect from the improvement of this physical quality? Be able to renew ATP more quickly Increased use of lactate by lactate carriers...
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Suivi et individualisation de la performance
Cassie eychenne-mercierAug 8, 20220 comments
Performance monitoring and individualization
What makes the job of the coach difficult but also very interesting, exciting and limitless is the fact that we work in a complex system. By complexity, I mean that...
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