The 9 training principles that apply to all athletes – SSCS Training

The 9 training principles that apply to all athletes

Here is the most relevant information that we put at your disposal and that you should keep in mind before lifting the first dumbbell.

These instructions will allow you to make your training planning more effective and less traumatic for your body.

If it's your first day of discovering fitness or that of your recovery after long months/year of inactivity and you don't know where to start and you find yourself lost, this article will aim to help you to initiate your return to activity in a more serious and appropriate manner.

All these questions are normal, especially if you do not start your training with a sports coach , and it is quite common that your routine and your sports habits do not conform to what experts catalog as the training essentials!

The 9 principles below are considered a kind of commandments to do things well and achieve the results you are looking for in the best conditions.

1. Overcompensation

It refers to our first objective which is to create a physical base, both muscular and in functional resistance. We understand that the aesthetic result is important, but to improve and achieve a certain look, a solid foundation must be established beforehand.

First of all, we build the muscles of the body to make them more solid, resistant and after that we will progress to improve, give volume or adjust certain weaker parts. This will also prevent us from getting hurt.

Our ligaments and muscles must support our own body weight during exercise, so don't obsess about adding loads.

If you are not used to sports, start by training with your own body and functioning with exercises where your body weight is your only load, focusing on functional training .

2. Personalization

One of the most common mistakes is taking tables or routines from the Internet or from friends. Exercise must always be personalized for a fairly simple reason: no one has the same body and the same adaptive capacity for exercise.

We all have a past, predispositions, injuries, pathologies and weak points that are different from each other.

Although your training partner may look eerily similar to you physically, you do not have the same body.

You will only get frustrated and go in a direction that doesn't suit you. It is better to invest a little and seek advice from an exercise specialist rather than taking the wrong path and making a mistake.

3. First, progression

Rome was not built in a day , be clear about this and consider that patience plays a decisive role when setting a goal so as not to decline or get discouraged at the slightest difficulty. Unless you want to prepare for a specific race or competition, don't set unrealistic goals. You'll end up throwing in the towel sooner than expected.

You may not get a certain physique in record time, but the main thing is to gain health. The rest will come by itself, but give yourself time and you will see the result.

4. Variety in your routine

As much as new trends emerge in the world of fitness , nothing will be so complete as long as it stands alone. This is why two things are important: the first is that every month or two you are going to have to change your sports program .

In addition, in your week the days should not be identical, the ideal would be to alternate upper body exercises with another day where the lower body is worked.

Combine functional strength, endurance, cardio without forgetting the importance of muscle stretching of course... Get moving! But in several ways to work your physical condition to full capacity and comprehensively.

5. Balance between workload and recovery

Because rest is absolutely necessary to perform at our best. Ideally, opt for a day or two break between sessions, especially at the beginning when the muscular base is still not enough to give it all the neuro-muscular impulse that you want.

Muscles need to repair themselves, rest and consolidate results to prepare for the next session. So, don't play elite athlete because it's not necessary.

6. Continuity

Slowly but surely.

Many coaches say that "the best routine is the one that is done", this is figurative but there is also a lot of truth in this statement.

Because results are only noticeable when you are consistent and have integrated the sports routine into your lifestyle. For this, the organization of your day and your work rhythm is necessary.

You also don't have to lose everything if you've been disconnected from the gym for a week because muscles have a memory and you never start from scratch!

7. Long-term plans and programming

It's just as important to not set impossible goals as it is to set more realistic goals. It is not about resting on your laurels and not pursuing anything, obviously motivation is not enough, so it is important that you speak with your coach or fitness trainer about what you want to achieve and in what time frame you expect to achieve this.

Then it will adapt based on your body's reaction to exercise, but you should have a goal that is clear and specific.

There is no favorable wind for those who do not know where they are going!

8. Specialize

In the beginning, we talked about building a strong foundation that would allow your body to adapt to exercise and build quality movement, resistance, and strength.

But this results in specialization in areas that require the most work, gaining volume and losing volume elsewhere. We move more easily from the general to the more specific.

9. The effective stimulus

This is the type of workout you should give your body. Increasing loads, distances, recovery times... If we always stay at the same effort threshold and don't go beyond it, we won't see any progress.

We will cope with the same thing without challenging ourselves or getting a little more intensity.

It is only when we make the effort towards greater intensity that the improvements will follow and it is at this moment that the physical aspect will be refined and will take shape even more.

Up to you !

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