Yoga magazine X École SSCS Yoga
Kelly ToméMar 23, 20230 comments
Yoga magazine
🔸 Discover the power of Yoga through complete and immersive training Yoga is an ancient practice that can bring many benefits to those who practice it regularly. This is why...
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Tout savoir sur la préparation mentale
Kelly ToméMar 17, 20230 comments
Everything you need to know about mental preparation
Mental preparation is a psychological process that involves developing mental skills to improve athletic, artistic, professional and personal performance. This approach allows you to work on thoughts, emotions, behaviors and...
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LE BPJEPS AF, qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Raphael AraujoMar 3, 20230 comments
BPJEPS AF, what is it?
The Professional Certificate in Youth, Popular Education and Sport (BPJEPS) is a training course recognized by the French State which allows you to obtain a professional qualification in the field...
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Qu'est-ce que la Posturologie ?
Kelly ToméFeb 16, 20230 comments
What is Posturology?
Posturology is a discipline that studies the posture of the human body and its influence on health and well-being. It focuses on body balance , muscular coordination , stability and...
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Dans la tête d'en entraineur - Pierre Dufraisse X Greg Velu
Kelly ToméFeb 9, 20230 comments
In the head of a coach - Pierre Dufraisse X Greg Velu
Pierre Dufraisse, naturopath specialized in physical and mental preparation . For several years, Pierre has shared his passion for the study of life through his YouTube channel “Vérisme TV” ....
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Perte de poids : les aliments riches en protéines
Kelly ToméFeb 2, 20230 comments
Weight loss: foods rich in protein
High-protein foods are foods that contain a significant amount of protein per serving. Proteins are essential macronutrients that play an important role in the growth, repair and maintenance of body...
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