
In the head of a coach - Pierre Dufraisse X Greg Velu

Pierre Dufraisse, naturopath specialized in physical and mental preparation . For several years, Pierre has shared his passion for the study of life through his YouTube channel “Vérisme TV” .

There are a plethora of topics for transmission and debate: physiology courses, breathing techniques, philosophy, bodybuilding, naturopathy, mental strengthening, etc. More than 60,000 people subscribe to Vérisme TV, creating a caring community of enthusiasts.

Greg velu met Pierre Dufraisse . For him, health is the ability to adapt at all levels, in our interactions with our environment and with ourselves. It takes us to discover our capacities for transformation, to unlock our potential and activate our untapped resources.

Do you want to know more about Pierre Dufraisse ? Discover the extract number 3 in the head of a trainer presented by Greg Velu, physical trainer for 20 years specializing in board sports & 3 seasons with the Miami Dolphins (Recovery dept): here