Quels sont les bienfaits du yoga chez les enfants ? Et pourquoi en apprendre davantage ?
Clara AfonsoJun 26, 20230 comments
What are the benefits of yoga for children? And why learn more?
Yoga isn't just for adults. It also has many benefits for children, both physically and mentally. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of yoga for children, debunk common misconceptions,...
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Yoga : Les 5 bonnes raisons de pratiquer
Kelly ToméJan 26, 20230 comments
Yoga: 5 good reasons to practice
Yoga is a practice of developing consciousness which allows the calming of the mind and the channeling of the body's energy, particularly through breathing and postures . In India, yoga...
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Tendance : Les  7 chakras 🧘🏼‍♀️
Kelly ToméNov 16, 20220 comments
Trend: The 7 chakras 🧘🏼‍♀️
Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit. These are the wheels that carry energy in and out of our body. They symbolize lotus flower petals. This flower growing in the mud symbolizes...
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