
Trend: The 7 chakras 🧘🏼‍♀️

Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit. These are the wheels that carry energy in and out of our body. They symbolize lotus flower petals. This flower growing in the mud symbolizes the journey of a primitive being to the full flowering of consciousness.

Like flowers, chakras can be open or closed, dying or blooming, depending on the state of internal consciousness. All the chakras form an axis in our body located along the spine called Sushumna.

They create the shape and behavior of the physical body. Our daily actions, just like our education, our health, the conditions in which we live... determine the state and content of our chakras.


🔺 MULADHARA Root Chakra (lam)

Located at the coccyx, perineum level . It is associated with stability, anchoring, identity and security. To balance it, we favor postures focused on engaging the legs and perineum, feeling the energy of the earth, connection to nature, stability at home...

🔺 Sacral Chakra SWADHISTANA (vam)

Located at the level of the sacrum, below the navel. It is associated with desires, emotions, sexuality, creativity. To balance it, we seek the pleasures of life, fluidity and self-acceptance.

🔺 MANIPURA solar chakra (ram)

Located at the solar plexus level . It is associated with decision-making, the ego, decision-making power, will. To balance it, we favor “I want to” rather than “I have to”, inversion postures or arm balances (dare to try, dare to move forward and accept falling in order to get up better)

🔺 ANAHATA Heart Chakra (yam)

Located at chest level . It is associated with love, self-acceptance, compassion. To balance it, we start by loving ourselves, feeling recognition , joy and love.

🔺 VISHUDDA Throat Chakra (ham)

Located at the level of the larynx. It is associated with communication, listening, trust, self-expression/one's thoughts and emotions. To balance it, we favor postures that stimulate the throat (the candle, the cobra, the fish, the plow, etc.). Our behavior evolves with confidence and serenity. Use the right words, the vibrations of sounds because they make something concrete

🔺3rd eye chakra AJNA (om)

Located between the eyebrows. It is associated with intuition, clairvoyance, self-reflection, imagination. In balance we will trust our inner voice, we will take the time to listen to ourselves and reflect.

🔺 SAHASRARA Solar Chakra (silent sound)

Located at the top of the skull. It is associated with telepathy, understanding, knowledge, cosmic consciousness. Meditation helps balance this chakra, letting go of what is higher.

If you want to open your chakras, you will need time and patience . This is a regular practice. You can also practice breathing exercises, meditation or yoga to circulate the energies in your body.

To find out more, we offer the “teach the basics of Yoga” training: https://sscstraining.org/products/enseignement-les-bases-du-yoga

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