Yoga : Les 5 bonnes raisons de pratiquer
Kelly ToméJan 26, 20230 comments
Yoga: 5 good reasons to practice
Yoga is a practice of developing consciousness which allows the calming of the mind and the channeling of the body's energy, particularly through breathing and postures . In India, yoga...
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Développement personnel : mieux communiquer !
Kelly ToméJan 19, 20230 comments
Personal development: communicate better!
Mastering the art of communication is necessary. This allows you to build good social relationships and build a better image with those around you as well as your customers. It...
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les besoins énergétiques de l’activité physique par Dominique Dumas
Kelly ToméJan 12, 20230 comments
the energy requirements of physical activity by Dominique Dumas
Our diet is the key to good physical activity , it provides us energy for our activities and allows the maintenance of our body mass and our physiological functions . Energy balance constitutes the difference between...
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L’avenir du coach sportif par Loan Bouchet
Kelly ToméDec 27, 20220 comments
The future of the sports coach by Loan Bouchet
Sports coaching in France has been booming for several years. This massive development of sports coaching comes from sociological and technological trends driving society. The individual seeks personalization of content...
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Le jeûne intermittent par pierre dufraisse
Kelly ToméDec 20, 20220 comments
Intermittent fasting by Pierre Dufraisse
Intermittent fasting or fasting is a type of diet which consists of alternating more or less long periods of fasting with periods of food intake. This alternation between fasting and...
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SPORT & NUTRITION : Prendre un petit déjeuner
Kelly ToméDec 15, 20220 comments
SPORT & NUTRITION: Eat breakfast
“Eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at noon and like a pauper in the evening” And yes, you have to start your day with a good...
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