Les Bienfaits de la Naturopathie pour les Sportifs
Alexia MoitrierJun 10, 20240 comments
The Benefits of Naturopathy for Athletes
As a sports coach, trainer, physiotherapist, mental or physical trainer, you are constantly looking for ways to optimize the performance and health of your clients. One of the most promising...
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Sport et Environnement : 7 Conseils pour une Pratique Écologique
Alexia MoitrierJun 5, 20240 comments
Sport and Environment: 7 Tips for Ecological Practice
Hi to you ! If you are here, it's probably because you care about your impact on the planet while practicing sport. Good news, it is entirely possible to combine...
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Comment le sport influence la productivité et la concentration au travail
Alexia MoitrierApr 28, 20240 comments
How sport influences productivity and concentration at work
In a world where professional demands seem to increase day by day, finding ways to optimize your productivity and concentration at work has become essential. While many strategies have been...
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Quand le sport rencontre l’art : histoire, Jeux olympiques et expositions
Alexia MoitrierApr 15, 20240 comments
When sport meets art: history, Olympic Games and exhibitions
To think that athletes are not interested in art and that art and museum lovers understand nothing about sport would be a cliché. However, it is undeniable that the fusion...
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De l'éveil à la victoire : L'impact crucial du sommeil sur la performance sportive
Alexia MoitrierMar 15, 20240 comments
From wakefulness to victory: The crucial impact of sleep on sports performance
As a sports coach or sports professional, you know how much every detail counts in the quest for optimal performance of athletes. Among these often overlooked details, sleep takes center...
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Santé, bonheur et complicité : Découvre les bienfaits de l'activité physique en couple
Alexia MoitrierFeb 5, 20240 comments
Health, happiness and complicity: Discover the benefits of physical activity as a couple
You have surely already felt this special joy when you surpass your sporting limits or when you simply flourish in physical effort. These moments are even more special when they...
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