Perte de poids : les aliments riches en protéines
Kelly ToméFeb 2, 20230 comments
Weight loss: foods rich in protein
High-protein foods are foods that contain a significant amount of protein per serving. Proteins are essential macronutrients that play an important role in the growth, repair and maintenance of body...
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les besoins énergétiques de l’activité physique par Dominique Dumas
Kelly ToméJan 12, 20230 comments
the energy requirements of physical activity by Dominique Dumas
Our diet is the key to good physical activity , it provides us energy for our activities and allows the maintenance of our body mass and our physiological functions . Energy balance constitutes the difference between...
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SPORT & NUTRITION : Prendre un petit déjeuner
Kelly ToméDec 15, 20220 comments
SPORT & NUTRITION: Eat breakfast
“Eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at noon and like a pauper in the evening” And yes, you have to start your day with a good...
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La place des graisses dans notre alimentation
JULIEN LE COQMay 27, 20210 comments
The place of fats in our diet
At the request of the European Commission, the European Food Safety Authority, EFSA, based on the most recent knowledge available, has formulated opinions on fat intakes and started an updating...
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