L'Harmonie entre le Yoga et la Nutrition : Nourrir le Corps et l'Esprit
Kelly ToméSep 25, 20230 comments
Harmony between Yoga and Nutrition: Nourishing the Body and Mind
Yoga is much more than a series of physical postures. It is a holistic lifestyle that encompasses health of body and mind. One of the essential pillars of yoga is...
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BPJEPS Mention B en Ligne : Une Formation Accessible et Innovante
Kelly ToméSep 25, 20230 comments
BPJEPS Mention B Online: Accessible and Innovative Training
The Professional Certificate for Youth, Popular Education and Sport ( BPJEPS ) Option B is a training course recognized in France, delivered by the Ministry of Sports. This certification is...
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Le Yoga : un Allié puissant dans l'amélioration de la concentration
Kelly ToméSep 15, 20230 comments
Yoga: a powerful ally in improving concentration
In our modern world, characterized by an avalanche of information and constant distractions, concentration has become a valuable resource. Stress, omnipresent screens and multiple responsibilities can make it difficult to...
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L'importance du sport : Un Élixir pour le corps et l'esprit
Kelly ToméSep 10, 20230 comments
The importance of sport: An Elixir for body and mind
Sport, an activity that transcends cultural and geographic boundaries, is much more than just entertainment or a pastime. It is a true elixir that brings considerable benefits to our body...
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Domine ton Jeu : découvre le pouvoir caché de la Posturologie dans le Sport
Kelly ToméAug 22, 20230 comments
Dominate your Game: discover the hidden power of Posturology in Sport
Have you ever thought that your body balance could make all the difference in your performance? Well, let me introduce you to an underestimated but super important ally: posturology. Come,...
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Maximise tes performances avec une nutrition sportive équilibrée
Kelly ToméAug 19, 20230 comments
Maximize your performance with balanced sports nutrition
If you're looking to crush your fitness goals, nutrition plays a crucial role in your journey. In this article, we're going to dive into the world of sports nutrition and...
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