Guide Ultime : Comment devenir coach sportif et vivre de ta passion
Alexia MoitrierMay 13, 20240 comments
Ultimate Guide: How to become a sports coach and make a living from your passion
Do you spend your days thinking about sport, training, performance? What if you could turn this passion into a rewarding and fulfilling career? Becoming a sports coach is much more...
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Comment le sport influence la productivité et la concentration au travail
Alexia MoitrierApr 28, 20240 comments
How sport influences productivity and concentration at work
In a world where professional demands seem to increase day by day, finding ways to optimize your productivity and concentration at work has become essential. While many strategies have been...
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Les changements importants du Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) de 2024
Alexia MoitrierApr 18, 20240 comments
Important changes to the Personal Training Account (CPF) of 2024
We keep you informed of recent developments concerning the Personal Training Account (CPF), a crucial measure for access to professional training in France. What is the CPF? The CPF allows...
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Quand le sport rencontre l’art : histoire, Jeux olympiques et expositions
Alexia MoitrierApr 15, 20240 comments
When sport meets art: history, Olympic Games and exhibitions
To think that athletes are not interested in art and that art and museum lovers understand nothing about sport would be a cliché. However, it is undeniable that the fusion...
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Retour sur le séminaire des Accompagnateurs de Sportifs de Haut Niveau au CREPS Toulouse
Alexia MoitrierApr 8, 20240 comments
A look back at the seminar for High-Level Athlete Supporters at CREPS Toulouse
Relive the highlights of our last event at CREPS in Toulouse, an exceptional experience which brought together passion, exchange and discovery at the heart of high-level training. If you missed...
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Alexia MoitrierMar 20, 20240 comments
Sun, yoga and mental health: The keys to happiness in spring
On this International Day of Happiness, let's dive into the beneficial influence of the sun on our mental health and discover how to adapt our yoga practice to the spring...
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