La Signature Motrice en Sport Collectif : L'Art de l'Expression Athlétique
Kelly ToméDec 22, 20230 comments
The Driving Signature in Team Sport: The Art of Athletic Expression
In the world of team sport, each player is like an artist on the field, contributing to the creation of a dynamic collective work. At the heart of this performance...
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Le Sport et l'Alcool : Un Mélange à Éviter pour des Performances Optimums
Kelly ToméDec 8, 20230 comments
Sport and Alcohol: A Mixture to Avoid for Optimum Performance
Sports and alcohol are two areas of life that can seem diametrically opposed. Sport promotes health, discipline and physical performance, while alcohol is often associated with relaxation and conviviality. However,...
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L'Harmonie entre le Coach Sportif et l'Élève: Un Duo Puissant pour la Remise en Forme
Kelly ToméDec 3, 20230 comments
Harmony between Sports Coach and Student: A Powerful Duo for Fitness
The bond between a sports coach and his student goes well beyond physical instruction. Together, they form a dynamic partnership essential to achieving fitness goals. Explore how this special relationship...
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Gentleman moderne a testé notre formation !
Kelly ToméNov 20, 20230 comments
Modern gentleman tested our training!
Today we are delighted to bring you an inspiring testimonial from one of our clients, Modern Gentleman, who recently completed our Personal Development Coach training. We are honored to share...
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Comment calculer la VO2 max et à quoi ça sert ?
Kelly ToméOct 29, 20230 comments
How to calculate VO2 max and what is it for?
VO2 max, or maximum oxygen consumption, is a crucial indicator of a person's aerobic capacity. It measures the maximum amount of oxygen an individual can use during intense physical exertion....
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Quels sont les troubles du comportement alimentaire du sportif ?
Kelly ToméOct 7, 20230 comments
What are eating disorders in athletes?
The world of sport is an arena where excellence and performance are paramount objectives. Athletes engage in specific diets to improve their performance and achieve their goals. However, this quest...
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