10 conseils essentiels pour faire du sport en été en toute sécurité
Alexia MoitrierJun 25, 20240 comments
10 essential tips for playing sports in summer safely
Summer is a fantastic time to get outside and be active, but high temperatures can present unique challenges for sports fans. Whether you are an amateur athlete or a seasoned...
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Les étapes clés pour réussir ta reconversion
Alexia MoitrierJun 17, 20240 comments
The key steps to succeed in your retraining
Changing careers to live from your passion is a dream shared by many people, especially those who, despite their love for sport or yoga, find themselves stuck in an unrewarding...
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Les Bienfaits de la Naturopathie pour les Sportifs
Alexia MoitrierJun 10, 20240 comments
The Benefits of Naturopathy for Athletes
As a sports coach, trainer, physiotherapist, mental or physical trainer, you are constantly looking for ways to optimize the performance and health of your clients. One of the most promising...
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Sport et Environnement : 7 Conseils pour une Pratique Écologique
Alexia MoitrierJun 5, 20240 comments
Sport and Environment: 7 Tips for Ecological Practice
Hi to you ! If you are here, it's probably because you care about your impact on the planet while practicing sport. Good news, it is entirely possible to combine...
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Retour sur le séminaire des Accompagnateurs de Sportifs de Haut Niveau à Clairefontaine
Alexia MoitrierMay 28, 20240 comments
A look back at the High-Level Athlete Accompanying Seminar in Clairefontaine
Share Relive the highlights of our latest event at the National Football Center in Clairefontaine. This unique experience brought together passion, exchange and discovery at the heart of high-level training....
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SSCS Training fait peau neuve ! 🎉
Alexia MoitrierMay 20, 20240 comments
SSCS Training has a new look! 🎉
We have great news to share with you: SSCS Training has just had a makeover to offer you an even better experience in your online training. We are excited to...
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