Athlete’s diet before competition – SSCS Training

Athlete’s diet before competition

During a sporting competition, it's about putting all the assets on your side. Physical preparation is essential before a competition. You not only need to be in great shape - and to do this, get enough sleep, be well trained, but also take care of your diet.

  • What was the objective of this phase?

The objective for all endurance sports is to maximize your glycogen stock, i.e. increase your

reserves of carbohydrates stored in the body, in the liver and especially in the muscles.

The greater the reserves at the start of the competition, the more the athlete will be able to carry out a high intensity effort over time, in fact carbohydrates are the best energy fuel for exercise, the one allowing a higher effort. intensity over time.

We are going to approach the last week before the effort, even if what will really interest us will be the last 3 days before the D-day.

So why the last week?

Because what was fashionable for a long time and which is less used today took place over 7 to 8 days is the Scandinavian dissociated diet.

  • During the week before the test

Before the sporting competition, it is better to pay extra attention to food hygiene, this is not the time to take the risk of poisoning! During the first three days, you should maintain a normal balanced diet with 50 to 55% carbohydrate calories. But then increase this proportion to 65 to 70% by consuming more pasta , rice and bread , so as to promote glycogen synthesis. At the same time, prudence guides us to avoid foods that risk disrupting digestion (smoked, cured, fermented products, spices , strong-tasting vegetables , anything very fatty (fried foods, fatty meats and cold cuts ) and of course 'alcohol.
  • The meal before the test

8 to 12 hours before the sports competition, a hearty meal must be eaten and consist of a large plate of pasta (150 to 400 g), meat, a dairy product , a dessert rich in slow carbohydrates ( rice pudding , pie, semolina or rice cake , gingerbread , etc.), fruit or fruit juice and water. All this being eaten slowly and calmly.