L’alimentation du sportif en pré compétition
Kelly ToméNov 24, 20220 comments
Athlete’s diet before competition
During a sporting competition, it's about putting all the assets on your side. Physical preparation is essential before a competition. You not only need to be in great shape -...
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Les bienfaits du massage sportif
Kelly ToméNov 9, 20220 comments
The benefits of sports massage
Sports massage is an “approach” which consists of the application of different techniques . This type of massage is aimed at both high-level athletes and non-professionals, whether occasionally or regularly....
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La place des graisses dans notre alimentation
JULIEN LE COQMay 27, 20210 comments
The place of fats in our diet
At the request of the European Commission, the European Food Safety Authority, EFSA, based on the most recent knowledge available, has formulated opinions on fat intakes and started an updating...
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Le développement de la vitesse
JULIEN LE COQApr 22, 20211 comment
The development of speed
Speed ​​is defined as the distance traveled per unit of time, whereas multidimensional speed can be defined as a series of complex movements in the shortest possible amount of time....
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