
SPORT & NUTRITION: Eat breakfast

“Eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at noon and like a pauper in the evening”

And yes, you have to start your day with a good breakfast, but you don't know why? we tell you everything about the most important meal of the day. ⭐️

Breakfast helps recharge your batteries after a good night's sleep and fasting. It should represent around 30% of your day's calorie intake . If you forget to eat this meal, you will draw on your reserves , which leads to a reduction in alertness and a feeling of fatigue in the morning, which can lead to discomfort .

1. Necessary intake during breakfast

For a good breakfast, the ideal composition must include sufficient contributions:


– complex carbohydrates

- vitamins

– good fats: the famous omaga-3 and omega-6

2. Foods to choose for breakfast

A fresh fruit (Source of vitamins and sugars)

Fresh fruit is ideal to start your day. A homemade fruit juice can do the trick! A handful of dried fruits is also effective. Oilseeds such as nuts or almonds are perfect for good fats, omega 3 and 6.

A hot beverage

An infusion, a hot lemon, tea or coffee.

Whole wheat bread

With its topping (butter, jam, honey), oatmeal or other cereal products: complex carbohydrates to provide glycogen, ideal before a sporting activity in the morning.


Eggs are a good source of protein and fat as well as ham.

A dairy product

If you do not have lactose intolerance, dairy products are a source of calcium and protein. A yogurt for example. For people who do not digest cow's or goat's milk well, you can replace animal milk with plant-based milks, such as soy, almond or coconut milk.

🔸 What if you went further? At SSCS we offer you a diploma course in sports nutrition, you will acquire solid knowledge in dietetics and as you know: good nutrition allows you to increase your physical performance while remaining in good health.

Link: https://sscstraining.org/products/diplome-en-dietetique-sportive-formation-en-ligne

See you soon !