
The water

The water content of a person varies between 40 to 60% of their mass.

Distributed throughout the human body, intracellular water represents 62% and extracellular water, approximately 38%.

Although it does not provide any calories, water is essential to life and provides different functions within our body:

 Constituting blood, water participates in the transport of nutrients, waste, gases (CO2 and O2) and hormones

 Constituting the synovium, it participates in the lubrication of the joints

 Constituting the core of the vertebral disc, water plays a shock absorber role

 Constituting structures, water plays a plastic role Water also plays a role as a solvent (hydrolysis) and thus participates in the body's chemical reactions (digestion, glycolysis, Krebs cycle, etc.).

Our water needs are approximately 1ml per Kcal. Protein consumption increases requirements by approximately 3ml/g. It also participates in the regulation of body temperature, a very important function requiring hormonal participation in order to regulate and maintain adequate concentrations.
