Tips for successful distance learning – SSCS Training

Tips for successful distance learning

Distance learning makes studies accessible to everyone: people in professional activity, stay-at-home mothers or fathers, people with disabilities or students wishing to combine work and studies.

Very practical, this method of training is based on the principle of correspondence courses allowing everyone to learn from home, at their own pace, without changing their lifestyle and without devoting themselves full time to their studies.

Establish a realistic schedule

Method and organization are the keys to success in distance learning. This is why from the start of the training, it is appropriate to define a schedule between work sessions or revision sessions and to allocate fixed time slots which can become flexible in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Are you employed at the same time? Are you responsible for family? Remember to set schedules that are achievable and in line with your lifestyle.

Reserve a work space

It is not because you are training remotely that you should not consider yourself a full-fledged student once you immerse yourself in your training. To do this, you need to have a quiet work space that facilitates concentration. If you can't study at home, consider public libraries.

Review regularly

For memorization, acquisition of knowledge and motivation, you need to find the work rhythm that suits you and keep it. It is important to learn and review your courses regularly so as not to feel “overwhelmed” by your distance learning. Write revision sheets, go over the exercises several times, contact your teachers.

Take breaks

You are not a machine. If you have defined long time slots for yourself, taking a short break will allow you to re-energize.

Indeed, know that breaks help you concentrate.

To fix objectives

Why did you choose to follow distance learning: reorient yourself professionally, acquire new skills, obtain a higher position, change profession, enhance your CV, etc.

Setting and remembering goals is essential to not failing. For example, you could set a goal to complete each course chapter within 1 month or to have all assignments completed by a certain date.

Stay motivated

Without motivation, it will be difficult to complete your training because combining professional and/or private life and study requires significant energy.

Your turn now ;)
