
Sport and Environment: 7 Tips for Ecological Practice

Hi to you ! If you are here, it's probably because you care about your impact on the planet while practicing sport. Good news, it is entirely possible to combine the two! In this article, we will explore together how to adopt more environmentally friendly sporting habits, while continuing to take care of your body and developing professionally in the field of sport. Whether you are a sports coach, trainer or yoga teacher, here you will find practical tips and advice for a greener sport.

1. Choose Sports Activities with Low Environmental Impact

The first step to making your sports practice more ecological is to choose activities that have a low impact on the environment. Certain sports, such as recreational skiing, golf and motor sports, are particularly harmful to the planet due to their water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. For example, maintaining a golf course requires around 5,000 m² of water per year, not to mention the pesticides used.

Here is a list of low impact sports:

  • Cycling : Excellent for health and the environment. Plus, you can use it as a daily means of transportation.
  • Yoga : A calming practice that requires little equipment and can be done almost anywhere.
  • Walking or hiking : Perfect for discovering nature while staying active.
  • Surfing and canoeing : Water sports that generally respect the environment, especially if you choose preserved spots.
  • Running : A simple activity, requiring little equipment and which can be done anywhere.

2. Choose a Close and Ecological Sports Club

To reduce your carbon footprint, it is wise to join a sports club near you. By reducing your journeys, you limit greenhouse gas emissions. If your club is close enough, you can even walk or bike there. Additionally, some clubs adopt eco-friendly practices, such as the use of solar panels or recycling initiatives, which can further reduce your environmental impact.

3. Use Eco-Friendly Sports Equipment

Sports equipment can have a significant impact on the environment. The manufacturing of sports clothing and shoes emits a significant amount of carbon. To minimize this impact, choose recyclable and durable materials. For example :

  • Recyclable textile clothing : They last longer and can be reused.
  • Shoes made from recycled materials : Several brands now offer eco-friendly options.
  • Second-hand equipment : Buying second-hand sports equipment is a great way to reduce the demand for new products and therefore industrial production.

Opt for less polluting clothing

According to ADEME, France is the fourth country in the world and the first in Europe to consume sports and leisure articles. While synthetic materials are appreciated for their lightness and their ability to dry quickly, their environmental impact is extremely significant. These are produced from elements derived from petroleum, which produce microplastics responsible for ocean pollution. Instead of these textiles, favor natural materials such as cotton. Several brands have committed to producing eco-responsible sports clothing, like Unrest, which offers sports textiles made from natural and biodegradable materials.

4. Adopts Ecological Care Products

Self-care before and after sports is essential, but it can also be eco-friendly. Opt for eco-friendly skincare products, like solid shampoos and deodorants, which are less polluting and often free of harmful chemicals. To wash your sports clothes, use ecological products and prefer hand washing to save energy.

5. Participate in Sustainable and Solidarity Events and Sports Challenges

More and more sporting events are going green. Participating in these events can not only motivate you to be more active, but also to contribute to environmental and social causes. For example, the Allianz World Run unlocks funds for charities based on the kilometers covered by participants. By choosing to participate in eco-responsible sporting events, you encourage the organizers to continue on this path and you make a gesture for the planet.

6. Optimize your travel

Travel represents a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions associated with sports practice. For short journeys, prefer walking or cycling. For longer distances, explore options like public transportation or carpooling. By reducing car use, you reduce your carbon footprint while remaining active.

7. Limit your waste

During your sporting activities, avoid waste by using reusable water bottles and choosing unpackaged foods, such as dried fruit. These simple actions help reduce pollution and are often healthier for you.


By adopting these ecological practices, you can continue to play sports while respecting our beautiful planet. In this context, sports educators can be excellent vectors of messages in favor of the protection of the natural environment. As a sports coach, trainer or yoga teacher, you have the opportunity to educate your students on these subjects. You are listened to and respected by your followers, and you have the opportunity to positively influence their behavior. Remember that every little bit counts and we can all make a difference together. So, are you ready to take on the challenge? Let's go green!