Professional retraining: exercise a meaningful activity by training re – SSCS Training

Professional retraining: exercise a meaningful activity by training remotely to become a Yoga Teacher with the SSCS Training school

The health crisis was the trigger that led the French to review their professional priorities. Thus, nearly 6 out of 10 working people and 8 out of 10 unemployed people are considering or have already started a retraining ( source ).

The reasons for this desire to change path? Mainly boredom and lack of meaning. A motivation that is far from surprising when we know that nearly 9 out of 10 French people are bored at work ( source ). So much so that some are even victims of bore-out, a professional burnout syndrome caused by boredom.

At the same time, those who have already taken the step of retraining highlight the desire to pursue an activity in line with their values/passions (39%). Remuneration only comes in second place (33%), proof that fulfillment comes well before financial considerations.

The whole challenge is then to choose a promising future profession, which allows you to exercise a pleasure activity in a rapidly expanding field. However, contrary to popular belief, digital professions are not the only ones on the rise!

According to a study carried out in 2021 by the SNPY (National Union of Yoga Teachers), the number of yoga practitioners has increased by 300% in 10 years. 3/4 of them indulge in this discipline at least twice a month, half of them at least once a week.

The success of this well-being sport is far from surprising, since it allows you to feel better in your body and in your head... provided you respect the postures, know how to breathe correctly, and follow the right sequences.

However, currently, there is a real lack of competent teachers capable of teaching this discipline.

It is therefore to meet a strong demand that the SSCS Training school offers distance training, led by experts, to become a Yoga Teacher .

It is the only online school to offer the 200-hour Yoga Alliance International certification, a world-renowned organization, recognized and registered with the Indian government.

100% online training to become a Yoga Teacher

Transforming your passion for yoga into a profession means carrying out an activity rich in meaning, which combines sport, well-being, and human relations .

It also means participating in a wonderful human adventure, with one ambition: to make yoga accessible to as many people as possible, whether enthusiasts, novices, other people in career change or sports professionals.

Because at the end of the training, participants will be able to lead Hatha & Vinyasa classes, in person or remotely , to transmit the practice of the fundamentals of yoga:

  • the chakras;
  • pranayamas;
  • asanas;
  • meditation ;
  • sequences of postures & adjustments;
  • different breathing techniques;
  • etc.

An evolution adapted to each person’s pace

Future Yoga teachers benefit from an ultra-comprehensive personal online training space, which allows them to progress step by step, at their own pace, even when the person undergoing professional retraining is still working!

It takes on average 6 months to follow the training , but access to the workshops is open for 12 months and the platform remains accessible for life.

Participants benefit in particular from:

  • 20 video conferences;
  • 50 videos of examples of typical sessions;
  • 1 private Facebook group led by SSCS Training trainers, to exchange with members and benefit from the support of a caring and warm community;
  • 5 course documents for download;
  • 5 interim evaluation assessments;
  • 1 100% remote final assessment in the form of a quiz and video;
  • 4 weekly workshops with free access over 12 months, live by videoconference: one theme per workshop, an organized progression from week to week, a time to answer your questions and a personalized support approach. The workshops are then available in replay.

The (big) little extras

Internationally recognized training

The Yoga Teacher Diploma offered by the SSCS Training school is certified 200 hours by Yoga Alliance International.

A format suitable for everyone

Remote training allows you to progress at your own pace, participate in virtual classes, and take the final exam online.

Personalized support from teachers with more than ten years of experience

The courses are carried out by:

Marion Perrier: IMF trainer, certified Yoga Alliance UK and India, Yoga Mathieu Boldron training, state graduate, manager of his own school, organizes Yoga retreats in Morocco.

Justine Pot: Manager of the Yoga Germaine studio, state-certified sports coach, trained in India.

Aude Beilleau: State qualified sports coach, trainer at the IMF, 200h Yoga Alliance certified & Pilates teacher.

100% satisfied customers who say so!

Don't hesitate to register, our next school year is May 9!