Good tips to adopt for exercising during heatwaves? – SSCS Training

Good tips to adopt for exercising during heatwaves?

In periods of very high heat, practicing sport can be dangerous

If practicing sports is usually highly recommended, things become complicated: the temperature is above 30°C, the body has difficulty dissipating heat, and the athlete is then exposed to the risk of sunstroke. Headaches, dizziness, nausea or severe flushing are all symptoms that should be detected as early as possible.

“The body is like an engine, it makes a permanent effort to regulate its temperature. In these periods of high heat, efforts are permanent. After a while, the body becomes exhausted”

If, however, you continue a sporting activity in this heat, take note of the tips to adopt to limit the risks.

🚰 Hydrate yourself

Subjected to intense effort and coupled with high temperatures, the human body can lose up to 2 liters of water per hour. Hydrate yourself before you feel the need. Indeed, the feeling of thirst occurs when the body urgently lacks water. Before this point, the consequences can already be problematic.

🌡️ Don’t go out during hot weather

Between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m., avoid going out. The “hot hours” correspond to a period during which solar radiation is particularly strong and heats the air. After 4 p.m., floors exposed to the sun all day are at a peak temperature, and the heat is felt even more. So remember to stay cool in the afternoon, and opt instead for a morning or evening jog.

☀️ Take out the sunscreen

Whether the sky is clear or not, UV rays emitted by the sun are harmful to the skin. Spray yourself with factor 50 sunscreen (repeat every two hours). Your body will thank you for it.

🏡 Choose indoor sports

Obviously, it is safer to do an indoor sport. Forget tennis or football, the key is to exercise in a cool space (even if, as you will have understood, rest is still strongly recommended).

🏃‍♀️ High-level athletes less at risk

Among high-level athletes, the risks appear to be lower. “A trained, prepared and monitored body is less likely to feel unwell, although that does not mean that it will not happen,” explains Stéphane Diagana, world champion in the 400 meters hurdles in 1997 . Especially since athletes are used to preparing to compete in such weather conditions.

“The more you train in these conditions, the more the body will be able to find ways to avoid or limit risks, or postpone their arrival.”

🌟 Take care of yourself and your body! 🌟
