
Football has health benefits for players.

Football is one of the most popular team sports in the world. For people who have a passion for this physical discipline, it is a real source of pleasure! However, football is not just a popular sport. Indeed, in addition to the joy of playing as a team that it provides, the benefits of football on the physical and mental health of its fans are numerous.

Benefits of football on the cardiovascular health of players

During a football match, players cover an average distance of between 9 and 12 kilometers. That is 45% of the time, 5.1 km slow run, 25% of the time, 2.8 km walk, 13% of the time, 1.5 km fast run, 11% of the time, 1.26 km sprint .

Due to the efforts and breathing work that it requires, the practice of this sport has a very beneficial impact on the cardiovascular system of the players. So one of the health benefits of football is to reduce respiratory problems, in particular by improving endurance capabilities.

Because in fact, when movements are carried out with repetition and with a certain constancy, the heartbeat becomes slower and slower, leading to a reduction in the pressure of the blood circulating in this motor organ and promoting an ideal state for the latter. . Hence the fact that the different activities that accompany the practice of sport are excellent cardiovascular exercises.

Furthermore, this sporting discipline allows players to burn excess calories. About 5 to 20 kilocalories per kilogram of weight. But the benefits of football don't stop there!

Benefits of football on the aerobic and anaerobic capacities of players

Due to the intensity and speed of its game, football increases the aerobic and anaerobic capacities of people who have become accustomed to excelling in this sporting discipline.

Indeed, by alternating sprints, moderate speed runs and recovery walks for 90 minutes, professional football players in particular end up having a very high level of endurance. They can therefore quickly recover energy to change movement speed at any time and throughout the duration of a full match. And once again the benefits of football don’t end here!

Benefits of football on the muscle capital of players

Like many sports, football also allows its fans to have a body in good physical shape. It must be said that it develops body muscle mass, especially that of the lower limbs. Because it is in fact the strength of the lower body which is called upon the most for speed, jumps, kicks, tensions, etc.

However, the abilities of the upper limbs are not saved either. Because being a complete sport, the benefits of football are aimed at the entire human body. To protect the ball, tackle, or defend, upper body strength is also required. The whole body is thus used and muscular strength is consolidated. Strengthening bone hardness is also ensured.

Benefits of football on team spirit and player sharing

The difficulty of integrating and collaborating harmoniously in a group is very often a source of frustration and stress. As a team sport, football promotes cohesion and helps with socialization; useful for good mental balance. The benefits of football are also social.

After physical conditioning goals which may be individual, football players share common goals of victory. They therefore learn to rely on each other, to trust each other to shake the opposing nets.

SSCS Training offers you 3 training courses related to football:

- Physical trainer diploma specializing in football

- Initial Video Analyst Diploma

- Expert Video Analyst Diploma

Source: Sports blog