Do sports in winter – SSCS Training

Do sports in winter

Short days, cold and the irresistible desire to stay warm, the end-of-year holidays are synonymous with a reduction in sporting activity. The cold causes us to procrastinate our sports session...
But continuing your physical activity all year round is essential for a healthy body and mind, and even in winter! 
Here are some tips for combining sport and winter!

For that it is necessary :

- Warming up is an essential step when practicing sport. In winter, you should definitely not skip it! Even double the usual warm-up time to ensure that the muscles warm up deeply and not superficially. This will allow your heart to work in good conditions and avoid injuries such as strains, sprains or painful muscle strains.

- Nutrition and hydration in winter, avoid going to exercise on an empty stomach. If you feel low, bring something to give you energy: nuts, dried fruit or energy bars for example. Staying hydrated is as important in winter as it is the rest of the year. It is true that when it is cold, we tend to feel less need to drink. However, in cold weather, too, the body sweats. It is therefore essential to drink well throughout the session. Drink a small amount (two or three sips) at regular intervals, every 15 minutes.

- Prevent risks: consult your doctor before starting or returning to sport. Physical activity sometimes presents risks. The risks of heart attack, especially after the age of 40, are real. Hypothermia – the body temperature drops below 35°C – with very low external temperatures, from 6°C below zero. Additionally, the lungs are sensitive to cold. If you run, always inhale through your nose so that the air cools and blow out through your mouth. Some people get exercise-induced asthma. This tends to intensify when the air is cold and dry.

- Equip yourself for sport in winter: protecting yourself from the cold when doing sport outside in winter is the basics. Wear several layers of clothing to protect yourself. The first layer, made of breathable material, will allow you to wick away sweat, because it is humidity that conducts the cold. The second keeps you warm. And the third protects against wind, rain or snow. As most of the heat from the body is evacuated through the head, don't forget the hat or headband! They are also made of breathable material. Protect the other extremities with gloves and warm, properly sized socks to prevent friction. And so the light bulbs. Good shoes are essential for sports. And more in winter, because on slippery terrain, you have to maintain good ankle and joint support. Finally, as it gets dark later in the morning and earlier in the evening, don't forget to wear colorful, reflective clothing so that you can be seen in the dark. Being well seen limits the risk of accidents, which should really not be neglected.

The production of neurotransmitters such as endorphin, norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine is a real defense against the winter blues.

Whether you are an accomplished athlete or are getting back into sport, one last piece of advice: listen to your body! 
There's no need to do too much to benefit from the positive effects of sport on health.

Source: consoglobe -Annabelle Kléma