Modern gentleman tested our training! – SSCS Training

Modern gentleman tested our training!

Today we are delighted to bring you an inspiring testimonial from one of our clients, Modern Gentleman, who recently completed our Personal Development Coach training. We are honored to share his exceptional experience and immerse you in his training journey. After following training on their site, I give you my opinion on SSCS Training training in this test. Complete and intelligent training for a reasonable price.

⭐️ SSCS Training, what is it?

SSCS Traning is a site which offers 100% online training and which specializes in the sport and in The well-being . If you are or want to become a sports coach, this is clearly an essential site for you.

You can find tons of sports training on SSCS Training. Training as a sports trainer, pilates or yoga teacher, scientific bases of dietetics, sophrology, sports massage, marketing, rehabilitation, etc., the training menu offered by the site is ultra complete and can cover almost all training needs. 'a coach. We feel that the site was designed for sports coaches and especially by sports coaches as the proposals cover all their needs .

For my part, I looked at 1 training which rather covers the mind, namely the personal development coach diploma . Before becoming a sports coach, we don't always think that the mind is very important, but beginner coaches discover it very quickly. This is one of the strengths of SSCS Training, offering training in line with the real needs of coaches.

⭐️ SSCS Training, what type of training?

Before talking about SSCS Traning, I will tell you about their competitors. While looking for training courses that matched my requirements, I would summarize by saying that I found 2 types:

1 – Face-to-face training. They are the most complete and surely the best for training most completely. The problem is, however, that they take a lot of time (so it wasn't possible for me who already has a job at the moment) and they are very expensive, often several thousand euros. The time required and the budget therefore did not allow me (and this is personal) to choose face-to-face training.

2 – Online training. They are perfect for being able to choose your schedule freely according to your schedule and are less expensive than face-to-face training (around a few hundred euros). The problem is that they are more complicated, because you are alone with often pdf documents to learn and understand alone. You will need to be motivated and ready to put in a lot of effort.

These 2 types of training each have their advantages and disadvantages, but neither suited me fully.

Digging further, I finally discovered SSCS Traning which offers another type of training that appealed to me, video training. This type of training seemed to me to be a good compromise with both user-friendly training thanks to videos and a price and schedule that are much more accessible than face-to-face training. Obviously, I didn't get started before checking reviews on the internet . A rating of 4.9 out of 5 with more than 180 reviews is an extremely reassuring result.

⭐️ My SSCS Training training experience

After this analysis, I therefore embarked on training for a personal development coach diploma .

First good news, The training begins with a video exchange with a real live person . This person explained to me how the site works, access to training, who to contact if I have questions, etc. It was pleasant for me to start with this exchange which reassured me about the seriousness of SSCS Training. I was not given up on the training in “manage yourself, we are only here to receive your money” mode but I was accompanied live by a real person who was very clear and who was there to answer my questions while taking the time to ensure that everything was OK for me . This is a very good point and probably the best way to start.

So I then naturally attacked the training and the feeling was very good! Access to the training is easy and it is very clear. The fact that this training is on video is a real plus to make it clearer, more understandable and less boring than courses to read and remember. Each video is pleasant, fun to watch and above all very intelligent, by which I mean that the schedule is well constructed so that I really learn the useful things and that I fully understand what I need to learn . The beginning of the videos puts us back in our progress so that we understand where we are and what we are going to learn in the video. It's well thought out.

The personal development coach training allowed me to better understand the job of coach, to know how to organize a session, to have coaching “tools” to do this work and much more! It's very complete!

The only point that can be negative is that the videos, in order to be very digestible, are rather short . They get to the point and don't get lost in detail and unnecessary discussion. This is a good thing but, as a result, you have to be fully “mentally present” during each viewing so as not to miss anything important and you should, in my opinion, not hesitate to review them to be sure that you have properly integrated them.

In addition to the videos, you have access to an “exercise booklet”. This booklet in PDF format (which is convenient to print) is a support that accompanies the videos. Basically in the videos we can explain a concept to you that you will see illustrated in the exercise booklet. In this case, the video trainer will tell you that you can, for example, see the table he is talking about in the exercise booklet on today's page. This booklet is therefore not to be used alone or to be learned by heart, it is rather a support for the videos.

⭐️My opinion on SSCS Training training

My opinion is therefore positive on SSCS Training training! If face-to-face training is too complicated for you due to lack of time or money, this is the best solution I have found in online training. The videos are a real plus and allow you to stand out from other online training thanks to their ease of access, understanding and intelligence.

SSCS Training has also understood the needs of a sports coach and offers a complete training catalog which will cover all the needs of a coach, from technical to mental know-how, including all the needs of this profession, and even up to to marketing. "

To discover our client's opinion:

To discover our training:

See you soon !


For all these reasons, whether you are a future coach or a coach who wishes to continue training (and in my opinion this is essential in this profession), I recommend this site without any problem. The proof: as soon as I finished my first training on their site, I started a new one!