
Before, during and after exercise: Sports nutrition.

During physical activity, there are 3 phases: before, during and after exercise. During these, the objectives and therefore the nutritional needs are not the same.

Before the effort
On a daily basis, everyone must have a balanced diet and consume sufficient quantities of foods providing water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins as well as vitamins and minerals. Beyond 4 hours of practice per week, athletes must increase their caloric intake and adapt the proportions of different food families.
GENERAL POPULATION: Carbohydrates 50% - Lipids 38% - Proteins 12%
SPORTSMEN: Carbohydrates 55%: - Lipids 30% - Proteins 14%
How many calories should you eat per day? proteins to nourish the muscles (synthesis of muscle proteins), carbohydrates because they constitute the body's main fuel and make it possible to supply reserves (so-called "complex" carbohydrates, such as starchy foods, cereals and dried vegetables, provide energy over time), a little lipids because they constitute a second source of energy and allow us to preserve carbohydrate reserves, water to maintain the body's water capital (we are made up of 60% of 'water !).
During exercise: The key point is hydration to oxygenate the muscles and the brain. In fact, for each liter of water lost (mainly in the form of sweat), corresponds to a loss of 20% of physical capacities. Dehydration also leads to impaired intellectual abilities, such as concentration, and can cause cramps. What to drink during exercise? When the sporting activity lasts less than an hour, mineral or tap water is sufficient. For an effort lasting more than an hour, water can be supplemented with minerals, vitamins, trace elements and simple carbohydrates. For this, there are suitable “exercise drinks” which give a boost of boost (to drink in small, regular sips).

What to drink during exercise? When the sporting activity lasts less than an hour, mineral or tap water is sufficient. For an effort lasting more than an hour, water can be supplemented with minerals, vitamins, trace elements and simple carbohydrates. For this, there are suitable “exercise drinks” which give a boost of boost (to drink in small, regular sips).
After the effort
The recovery phase after exercise has three objectives:
• compensate for water and mineral losses from exercise through good hydration (in addition, water helps flush out the acidic elements that accumulate during exercise, which can cause cramps),
• repair muscle tissues with a good protein intake in the hour following exercise. This allows you to take advantage of the “anabolic window” and optimize muscle synthesis.
What is the post-exercise anabolic window?
It occurs in the 30 to 60 minutes following physical activity. During this period, the nutrients you will ingest will be more easily assimilated, particularly proteins which will allow optimal repair of your muscle tissues.
If you have done more than an hour of activity, it is also important to replenish carbohydrate reserves by consuming simple carbohydrates in the hour following the exercise and then complex carbohydrates in the 3 hours following the exercise. .

Nathalie Hutter-Lardeau