
Fitness trends 2024: analysis and advice for professionals

Delving into the captivating report from UK sports network PureGym, we discover the fitness trends that will define 2024. Growing Google searches reveal intriguing shifts in our workout preferences. Fitness professionals, the key to success in 2024 lies in our ability to anticipate and innovate. This in-depth exploration of rising and falling trends is a valuable guide to staying ahead of the pack. Changes are rapid, but with a clear vision of the future, you can turn these challenges into opportunities. Get ready to shape the fitness industry of tomorrow!

2024 fitness trends to follow closely

The 20 rising fitness trends ↗️

  1. Wall Pilates (4461%) - Ready to defy gravity? Wall Pilates soars with a 4461% increase, offering an innovative approach to strengthening the body using the wall as a training partner. A unique blend of stability and balance.

  2. Tarzan Movement (529%) - Dive into the jungle with the Tarzan Movement! A 529% increase on Google is testament to its exotic appeal. Inspired by the natural movements of monkeys, this workout combines agility, strength and connection with nature.

  3. Pvolve (512%) - Get moving with Jennifer Aniston's favorite Pvolve. At the crossroads of fitness and rehabilitation , this emerging method promises in-depth strengthening and harmonious toning.

  4. Hyrox (233%) – Enter the competition with Hyrox, an elite workout that fuses running and functional challenges. With popularity up 233%, it's the ultimate test for serious fitness enthusiasts.

  5. Exercise Snacking (190%) - Snack your way to fitness! Exercise Snacking, up 190%, encourages short bursts of exercise throughout the day to maximize health benefits.

  6. Cycle Syncing (124%) - Synchronize your workout with your cycle! At the crossroads of fitness and hormonal health, Cycle Syncing is gaining ground with an increase of 124%.

  7. Wrestling Class (124%) - Compete in Wrestling Class, an immersive experience booming with a 124% increase. Combining raw strength and agility, it is much more than just a combat sport.

  8. 75 Soft (83%) - Adopt the 75 Soft! With an increase of 83%, this balanced workout combines cardio and muscle strengthening in a gentle but effective approach.

  9. HIIT (83%) - HIIT remains unbeatable! Still on course with an 83% increase, this intense workout continues to deliver fast and effective results.

  10. 75 Hard (82%) - Ready for the challenge? The 75 Hard, up 82%, offers a more intense variant, combining mental determination and rigorous physical exercises.

  11. Primal Movement (81%) - Return to your roots with the Primal Movement! An 81% increase on Google highlights this approach based on natural and instinctive movements.

  12. Solo Fitness (81%) - Go it alone with Solo Fitness! Up 81%, this trend emphasizes autonomy in training, emphasizing personalization.

  13. 25-7-2 (Stairmaster) (52%) - Dominate the stairs with the 25-7-2 (Stairmaster)! An increase of 52% testifies to its growing appeal. A workout that tests your endurance and strength.

  14. Mat Pilates (50%) - Reconnect with Mat Pilates! Up 50%, this classic variation remains a popular option for strengthening the body and improving flexibility.

  15. Micro Meditation (50%) - Find balance with Micro Meditation! Up 50%, this trend highlights the importance of mindfulness and relaxation in your fitness routine.

  16. Party Cycling (50%) - Party while pedaling with Party Cycling! A 50% increase shows that fitness can be fun and social. An energetic experience on two wheels.

  17. Reformer Pilates (50%) - Raise your level with Reformer Pilates! A 50% increase speaks to its growing appeal. This workout uses specific equipment for deep muscle strengthening.

  18. Rock Climbing (50%) - Reach new heights with Rock Climbing! An increase of 50% highlights the growing popularity of this gravity-defying activity.

  19. Breathwork (49%) - Find your breath with Breathwork! Up 49%, this trend highlights the importance of conscious breathing for overall health.

  20. Rainbow Walk (49%) - Explore the world with the Rainbow Walk! A 49% increase attests to its growing appeal. A mixture of walking and meditation, it is an invitation to discover yourself and the world around you.

The 20 fitness trends on the decline ↘️

  1. Forehead Workout (-64%) – Forehead workout is losing popularity with a significant drop of 64%. Exercises specifically targeting the forehead seem to no longer capture the attention of fitness enthusiasts.

  2. Weighted Hula Hoop (-55%) - The weighted hula hoop becomes lighter with a reduction of 55%. This fun and energetic trend seems to be losing ground in favor of more varied options.

  3. Evening Workouts (-47%) – Evening workouts are down 47%, suggesting a shift in preference to other time slots. Flexibility becomes key in your fitness routines.

  4. Punk Rope (-35%) - The Punk Rope sees its energy decline with a drop of 35%. This fusion of fitness and punk music is losing momentum to other disciplines.

  5. VR Fitness Games (-33%) – Virtual reality fitness games are losing their appeal with a 33% decrease. The craze for this immersive experience seems to be stalling.

  6. Eye Yoga (-19%) - Eye Yoga sees its interest weaken with a drop of 19%. Exercises aimed at strengthening the eye muscles are experiencing a slight decline in popularity.

  7. Backwards Running (-19%) – Running backwards is losing momentum with a 19% drop. This original practice is declining in favor of other forms of training.

  8. Stroller Fitness (-19%) – Stroller workouts are losing speed with a 19% drop. This trend, popular among young parents, seems to be less prevalent this year.

  9. Virtual Fitness Classes (-19%) – Virtual fitness classes are down 19%. Despite the convenience, fans seem to be gravitating towards more interactive options.

  10. Functional Fitness Training (-19%) - Functional training is experiencing a slight recession with a drop of 19%. Hobbyists may be looking for more specialized approaches.

  11. Mini Workout (-19%) – Mini workouts are losing their appeal with a 19% drop. Short sessions seem to give way to more structured routines.

  12. Twerking Class (-19%) - Twerking classes saw their popularity decrease by 19%. This provocative dance may be losing its status as a choice for training.

  13. Wearable Technology (-18%) - Wearable technologies see a slight decline of 18%. Smart accessories appear to be less dominant in the fitness landscape.

  14. Leg Workout (-18%) – Leg workouts are losing steam with an 18% drop. The emphasis may be shifting to more holistic routines.

  15. F45 (-18%) - The F45 sees its popularity decrease with a drop of 18%. This intensive training method could face increased competition.

  16. Calf Workout (-18%) – Calf workouts are experiencing a slight recession with an 18% drop. Amateurs may be turning to more holistic routines.

  17. Jump Rope Workout (-18%) – Jump rope workouts are losing momentum with an 18% drop. Other cardio exercises could take over.

  18. Skipping Workout (-18%) - The skipping workout is down 18%. This variation of jump rope seems to be losing its appeal among fitness enthusiasts.

  19. Goat Yoga (-18%) - Goat Yoga sees its popularity diminish with a drop of 18%. The goat yoga experience might be less popular this year.

  20. Zuu (-18%) - Zuu loses its shine with an 18% drop. This animal form of training is declining within the fitness landscape.

The preferred platforms 📱

In addition to Google search trends for fitness workouts, the survey found that 54% of people say they use YouTube for fitness advice and exercise inspiration. Facebook and Instagram follow closely with 40% and 37% respectively. For Gen Z, TikTok is the platform of choice, with 71% of 16-24 year olds saying they use it to find fitness advice and exercise inspiration. These findings show how digital platforms continue to shape our workout and wellness choices.


Our advice for fitness professionals

In a constantly changing fitness landscape, adaptability and innovation are key elements for coaches and gym managers. Here's how to stay ahead and deliver unique experiences:

  1. Permanent Monitoring of Trends 👀 : Maintain a constant monitoring of emerging trends. Follow specialized media, social networks and participate in sector events to anticipate the needs of your customers.

  2. Regular Feedback 🔁 : Encourages continuous feedback from your customers. Creates an environment conducive to open communication, whether through surveys, feedback sessions, or informal discussions. Customer feedback is valuable indicators for adjusting your programs and services.

  3. Continuing Education 💡 : Invest in your continuing education. Stay up to date on the latest training methods, scientific advances and innovative approaches. Managers, make sure that your team benefits from regular training to guarantee quality service.

  4. Scalability of Programs 🔀 : Adapt your programs according to changing trends. Flexibly integrates new practices while removing those that lose their appeal. This agility will allow you to maintain a balance between tradition and innovation.

  5. Technology and Digitalization 🚀 : Explore the opportunities offered by technology. For coaches, consider integrating progress tracking apps or online training platforms. For managers, invest in connected equipment and state-of-the-art room management systems to improve the member experience.

  6. Creativity in Offers 🎨 : Be creative in designing new offers. Offers special events, monthly challenges, or collaborations with local fitness influencers. This stimulating approach generates enthusiasm and maintains customer interest.

  7. Transparent Communication 📣 : Communicate transparently about changes. Whether it's adding a new course or dropping a less popular practice, inform your clients in a clear and engaging way. Transparent communication builds trust.

Continue to follow us on our platforms to get the latest information! By adopting a proactive approach to continuous adaptation and innovation, you will be able to create a dynamic and stimulating environment. This not only helps you retain your current clientele but also attracts new members by offering cutting-edge fitness experiences.

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