
Match management by the physical trainer

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What can we expect from the improvement of this physical quality?

  • Be able to renew ATP more quickly
  • Increased use of lactate by lactate carriers and thus produce more energy
  • Coping with long and intense exercises
  • Better recovery after intense exercise (especially phosphocreatine)
  • Be more active without excessive fatigue
  • Coping with heavier training loads
  • Perform better in long competitions
  • Mobilize fats more quickly (and thus spare glycogen)

To obtain a health benefit, a prophylactic role (protect the heart from bad cholesterol drivers, better regulate blood sugar levels and thus prevent diabetes). An important aspect is to provide as much energy as possible to the muscles by producing new blood vessels, a phenomenon called capillarization. Jack Arnault, an athletics coach, explained that: “It is important to develop basic endurance before performing quality sessions. There is no point having a powerful heart pump if the transport system bringing blood to the muscle cells is not efficient."

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