


The purpose of these General Conditions of Use (the “T&Cs”) is to define the terms and conditions of use of the sscstraining.org website and the services available on this website.
SASU ST FRANCE registered with the PARIS RCS under number 842 463 580, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, allows access to the website and its services, subject to restrictions provided for in these T&Cs:
• to any person previously registered on the internet site sscstraining.org and having read the text through a check box (hereinafter: the “Member”).
• to any unregistered person simply browsing the sscstraining.org website (hereinafter: the “Visitor”).
Any connection to the sscstraining.org website is subject to compliance with these T&Cs.
For Visitors and Members, simple access to the Operator's website at the internet URL address sscstraining.org implies prior acceptance of all the conditions described below.

Personal data

The processing of personal data of Members and Visitors to the internet site sscstraining.org complies with applicable national and European regulations, and in particular the General Data Protection Regulation of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to of the processing of personal data and the free movement of this data.
The personal data communicated are collected and processed by the Operator.
The Operator implements appropriate precautions to secure access to its servers where the personal data of Members and Visitors are stored.

However, this is only an obligation of means, as no Internet service can currently offer its Members and Visitors an absolute guarantee in this matter.

The Operator will not be held responsible for the protection of data circulating from the computer station of the Member and the Visitor to the internet site sscstraining.org .

Members and Visitors are informed in particular that the information communicated by Members and Visitors through the forms present on the website is necessary to respond to their requests and is intended for the Operator of the website, responsible for processing, for administrative and commercial management purposes, and may, unless opposed by the Members and Visitors concerned, be communicated to its partners.
The personal data of Members and Visitors are kept as long as they access the website, as well as for the period of applicable legal limitation and/or conservation and archiving imposed by the regulations in force.
Members and Visitors are informed that they have, in accordance and within the limits of Articles 5, 16, 17, 18 and 20 of the GDPR, a right of access, rectification and erasure of their data and of limitation to the processing of his personal data, as well as a right to portability of the data he has provided to the Operator.
The Member and/or Visitor are also informed that they may, in accordance with article 77 of the GDPR, lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (the “CNIL”) if they consider that the processing of personal data carried out by the Operator constitutes a violation of the General Data Protection Regulations of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and to free movement of this data.
Obligations of the Member and the Visitor:
Without prejudice to the other obligations provided for in these T&Cs, the Member and the Visitor undertake to respect the following obligations.
The Member and the Visitor undertake, in their use of the website, to respect the laws and regulations in force and not to infringe the rights of third parties or public order.
The Member and the Visitor are solely responsible for the audio files, texts, photos, images, graphics, comments and other content that they distribute when using the website.
The Member and the Visitor guarantee that the said content is lawful, does not infringe public order, good morals or the rights of third parties, does not infringe any legislative or regulatory provision and more generally, is in no way likely to jeopardize game the civil or criminal liability of the Operator.
The Member and the Visitor are prohibited in particular and without this list being exhaustive:
• damage, disrupt or disrupt the sscstraining.org website and its servers;
• to collect or store personal data of Members and Visitors unless this collection is carried out in accordance with the applicable law regarding personal data, in particular the Data Protection and Freedom Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 and the Regulations of Parliament European and Council No. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of personal data.
In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of the T&Cs or more generally, an infringement of the laws and regulations in force by a Member or Visitor, the Operator reserves the right to take any appropriate measures.

Intellectual property :
Use of the sscstraining.org website cannot confer on the Member and/or Visitor any intellectual property rights over all or part of the elements of the website, including the general structure, software, texts, animated or non-animated images. , logos, and other distinctive signs, sounds, know-how, etc., which are the exclusive property of the Website Operator.

Any total or partial representation of this website by any company whatsoever, without the express authorization of the Website Operator, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code

The same applies to the databases appearing on the website sscstraining.org , which are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code the European Directive of March 11, 1996 relating to legal protection of databases.

Any total or partial reproduction of the brands or logos of the Website Operator and/or its partners made from elements of the website without the express authorization of the Operator and the joint acceptance of the director of the publication is prohibited within the meaning of article L 713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.

The sscstraining.org brand is a trademark registered by SASU ST FRANCE. Any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total exploitation of these brands, of any nature whatsoever, is totally prohibited.
The Member has a portfolio space to put his career paths and projects online. He must be the author of the works which he entrusts to " sscstraining.org " to distribute free of charge. He thus authorizes the reproduction and representation of his portfolio on the website and acknowledges being informed that the integration of his portfolio into the website is an act of dissemination.
The Member declares not to have introduced into his creation any work, reminiscence or resemblance (image, photographic sign, text) likely to violate the rights of a third party with regard to the legislation in force. The SSCS Training school offers training courses from the MA Formation school, as part of the partnership between the 2 entities.

Technical Configuration:
Members and Visitors to the sscstraining.org website acknowledge that they have the skills and means necessary to access the website and use the information appearing on the website.
To this end, Members and Visitors acknowledge having verified that the computer configuration used does not contain any viruses and that it is in good working order.
The Website Operator cannot be held responsible for the presence of viruses on its website.
Website content: sscstraining.org
The information provided by the Website Operator is for informational purposes only. The Website Operator cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information published on its website.
The Website Operator cannot be held responsible for the unavailability of information. Consequently, the Member and/or Visitor acknowledges using this information under their exclusive responsibility.
The dissemination of images on the website will be in low definition. “ sscstraining.org ” does not guarantee the quality of image reproduction.
Website accessibility: sscstraining.org
The web master may at any time modify the operating conditions of the website and these general conditions. The website may be closed without notice and without compensation for any reason whatsoever.

Training postponement policy: for certain training courses (BPJEPS, CQP, Mastermind, Yoga, etc.), a certain number of members is necessary for the training to be carried out successfully. Thus, below 14 members per session, it can be postponed to the next start date (4 months later). Members will be informed before the start of the school year and their place remains reserved.

Refund policy: The ST France training organization applies the following refund policy: “Satisfied or refunded within 14 days”. In order for a member registered in the training course to indicate their dissatisfaction, he/she must meet the following conditions: 1) have viewed at least 10% of the training videos. 2) have presented at least 2 end-of-chapter evaluations. These conditions make it possible to at least evaluate the quality of the training and to be able to declare oneself satisfied or, on the contrary, dissatisfied. In compliance with these 2 conditions and the deadline (14 days after registration), a simple email (to contact@sscs.training) allows you to benefit from the “satisfied or refunded” guarantee. Confirmation of receipt of the message and validation of guarantees by our team allows reimbursement to be initiated free of charge.

Registration for the “BPJEPS pro course” training includes 3 levels of training:

- Preparation of the BPJEPS AF

- BPJEPS AF training

- 2 specialty diplomas

Beyond the 14 days of withdrawal, a refund request cannot be made for the BPJEPS Pro Course. If within 2 years, the registered person has not managed to meet the necessary conditions for entry into BPJEPS training, they will be able to claim other training in the SSCSTRAINING school for the corresponding amount.

Alma: We offer our Customers the Alma credit service for the payment of their purchases and the execution of payment is conditional on the Customer's acceptance of the T&Cs or the credit contract proposed by Alma; - the contractual clauses provided by Alma relating in particular to the Customer's right of withdrawal if applicable; - that any refusal to grant credit by Alma for an order may result in its cancellation; - that any termination of the T&Cs which bind the Customer and the Seller results in the termination of the T&Cs or the credit contract between Alma and the Customer; - that the amount is paid by credit ( Article L312-45 , punishable by fine )

Furthermore, for all complaints, we direct you to the AFEPAME mediation services site.

Cookies :
The Member and/or Visitor are informed that, during their visits to the website, a cookie may be automatically installed on their browser software. The cookie is a block of data which does not identify Members and/or Visitors but is used to record information relating to their navigation on the website. The configuration of the browser software makes it possible to inform of the presence of cookies and the Member and/or Visitor have the right to object to the recording of cookies.
If you wish to exercise this right, you can follow the instructions available online at http://www.cnil.fr/index.php?id=1316.
The retention period of data collected using cookies is connection time.
The Member and/or Visitor are however informed that if they refuse cookies, certain services may be inaccessible to them.
Hypertext links:
The Operator offers hypertext links to websites published and/or managed by third parties. To the extent that no control is exercised over these external resources, the Visitor and/or the Member acknowledge that the Operator assumes no responsibility relating to the provision of these resources, and cannot be held responsible for their content.
Consequently, the Website Operator cannot under any circumstances be held responsible directly or indirectly for the content of websites which are the subject of hypertext links.
Any creation of hypertext links without the knowledge of the website owner is prohibited.
The Member and/or Visitor of the sscstraining.org website offers hypertext links to websites whose owners have expressly given them authorization.
Any public or private website is authorized to establish a hypertext link on the home page of the sscstraining.org website. Links made to specific pages of the website (deep links or deep linking) are subject to prior authorization from the website manager. The URL of the targeted page must be clearly indicated. The user website must not make the sscstraining.org website appear to be its own, distort the content of the target website, and refrain from clearly indicating that the Internet user is directed to sscstraining.org .
The pages of the sscstraining.org website must not be nested inside the pages of another website, but can be displayed in a new window, except in the context of partnership by affiliation, in agreement with those responsible for the website.

Modification / Evolution / Update:
The information and/or documents available on the sscstraining.org website are subject to change at any time, and may have been updated.
In particular, the information and/or documents may have been updated between the time of their download and the time when the Member and/or Visitor becomes aware of them.
Responsibility of the Operator:
The use of the information and/or documents available on the sscstraining.org website is done under the full and sole responsibility of the Member and/or Visitor, who assume all the consequences that may arise, without the liability of the The Operator can be pursued in this capacity, and without recourse against the latter.
The information and/or documents appearing on the website: sscstraining.org may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors.
The Operator cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any damage of any nature whatsoever resulting from the interpretation or use of the information and/or documents available on this website.
The Operator will be exempt from any liability as to the content of offensive or racist comments published by the Member and/or Visitor and reserves the right to delete certain comments on the website.
Furthermore, the Operator cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure or events beyond its control.
Professional exercise:
The operator specifies that the training and diplomas offered do not exempt you from holding one of the diplomas listed in the RNCP giving the prerogatives meeting article 212-1 of the sports code. The training and diplomas offered by the sscstraining.org website alone do not allow you to obtain a Professional card in France.
Access to the sscstraining.org website:
The Operator strives to provide access to the sscstraining.org website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond the control of the Operator, and subject to the possible breakdowns, taking the hosting system offline and maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the website and services.
Consequently, the Operator cannot guarantee availability of the website and/or services, reliability of transmissions and performance in terms of response time or quality. No technical assistance is provided to the Member and/or Visitor, whether by electronic or telephone means. However, you can inform us of any technical problem via the contact form or by email to this address: contact@sscs.training

The Operator cannot be held liable if it is impossible to access the sscstraining.org website and/or use the services. 
Access to the e-learning training platform requires minimum equipment: smartphone or tablet or computer, as well as a connection. The ST France school cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for difficulty accessing the platform due to a lack or malfunction of equipment not allowing access to the training content. This material problem cannot therefore be cited as a reason for requesting reimbursement.
Furthermore, the Operator may be required to interrupt the sscstraining.org website or part of the services, at any time without notice, all without right to compensation.
The Member and/or Visitor acknowledges and accepts that the Operator is not responsible for interruptions, and the consequences which may result therefrom for the Member and/or Visitor or any third party.
Modification of the conditions of use
The Operator reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, these conditions of use in order to adapt them to changes to the sscstraining.org website and/or its operation.
Applicable law and competent jurisdiction:
Both the sscstraining.org website and the terms and conditions of its use are governed by French law, regardless of the place of use.
Any dispute relating to the execution or interpretation of these general conditions of use will be subject, in the absence of an amicable solution, to the jurisdiction of the Paris High Court.