
Build a Solid Foundation for a Balanced and Rejuvenating Practice

Pilates is much more than just a physical workout . It is a complete method that aims to strengthen the body, improve posture, promote flexibility and develop deep self-awareness. To get the most out of this discipline, it is essential to understand and master the fundamentals of Pilates. It is these solid foundations that will allow you to progress and obtain lasting results.

1️⃣ Breathing: Breathing plays an essential role in the practice of Pilates. It must be deep, controlled and synchronized with the movements. By focusing on conscious breathing, you promote the oxygenation of the muscles, the elimination of toxins and the activation of the center of force (the “Powerhouse” ).

2️⃣ The Powerhouse: The Powerhouse, also known as the " center " or "core", refers to the deep muscles of the abdomen, back, glutes and pelvic muscles. They form the basis of all movements in Pilates. By developing strength and stability in the Powerhouse, you improve your posture, balance and coordination.

3️⃣ Alignment: Correct alignment of the body is essential for effective practice without risk of injury. Pilates emphasizes neutral spinal alignment, where the natural curvatures of the spine are maintained. Good posture and proper alignment help distribute loads fairly and prevent muscular imbalances.

4️⃣ Control: Pilates advocates precise control of movements. Each movement should be performed slowly, using appropriate muscle strength and avoiding compensations. By developing increased control, you strengthen deep muscles and improve body coordination.

5️⃣ Concentration: Pilates requires total attention and concentration during practice. It is by being fully present and concentrating on each movement that you get the most benefit from your session. Concentration also promotes the connection between body and mind, allowing you to relax and refocus.

By understanding and integrating these fundamentals into your practice, you will create a solid foundation for developing your strength, flexibility and general well-being. Whether you are a beginner or a regular practitioner, regularly returning to the fundamentals will help you deepen your practice and reap the benefits in the long term.

Take the time to explore and master these Pilates fundamentals. You will quickly notice an improvement in your posture, a reduction in muscle tension, an increase in your energy and greater awareness of your body.

Ready to strengthen your core and discover everything Pilates can offer you? Put on your sports clothes, breathe deeply and let yourself be carried away by this wonderful practice which nourishes both the body and the mind. 🌟🙏

🎁: discover an extract from the “pilates teacher” training by clicking right here: https://youtu.be/ZY86PFtlKs4

See you soon !

SSCS School