
Stop smoking while doing sport

To mark tobacco-free month, we're giving you a helping hand to quit smoking by doing sport!

WARNING: Sport does not protect against the harmful effects of cigarettes, but practicing physical activity can help quit smoking.

Instead of cigarettes, opt for sporting activities, which could perhaps save your life. Sport can help you stop nicotine, read the article to better understand!

Sport, an asset against cigarettes!

As a general rule, when a person smokes, they tend to abandon sport. The role of nicotine is to soothe you, to nourish your addition. When you stop smoking, people are often on edge, but a workout can be a good alternative to smoking to calm and soothe you.

Sport also improves morale and reduces stress. For what ? Since sporting activity releases endorphin, a natural hormone that fights against depressive symptoms. This is what really helps you quit smoking. Exercise encourages the release of endorphins, a natural anti-stress medicine.

Result: reduction of the desire to smoke. This hormone takes the place of cigarettes as a sedative.

In addition, doing a sporting activity increases self-esteem. This will make the person feel like a new person who takes complete care of themselves. The more a person does sport, the more their physical condition improves, and the more healthy they will be, they will want to persevere. It will therefore put more chances on these sides to achieve the expected objective: stopping tobacco.

What sport to quit smoking?

To maximize endorphin levels, it is best to opt for endurance activities, such as cycling, swimming… and running. It is strongly recommended to do a session of approximately 45 minutes. Are you new to sport? You can start with a 20-minute brisk walk session, a 15-minute muscle strengthening session or even 30 minutes of cycling on the weekend. Give yourself a sporting challenge! For example, a 6-month goal, such as a timed 10 km, a tour of your neighborhood in less than an hour, a hike with friends... you'll need some breathing room, it'll keep you busy, so you won't have time to to smoke !!

REMINDER: Smoking right after exercise = CATASTROPHE! 

When you play sports, you teach your lungs to increase their respiratory capacity, therefore to open the bronchi deep down.

Result: up to 3 hours after exercise, the toxic substances from cigarettes (tar, nicotine, etc.) will be able to infiltrate even further into the depths of the bronchi...